Can a breakup Help a Relatonship? chap. 3 | Ep.#3


I’m Lionel T. Grimes

I’m Kim R. Grimes

And we are your Relationship Aficionados


In our first blog we shared Needing Space, Helping to Figure Things Out, Finding Yourself, Learning More About Yourself and the Feeling of Serenity are 5 ways a breakup can help a relationship.

In our second blog we shared more Time with Your Friends and Family, Getting Clear on What You Want, Figuring out Your Priorities, Learning if You’re Compatible, and A Break Isn’t Breaking up as 5 more ways a breakup can help a relationship.

Now, In this post we’re introducing 5 more ways a break up can help a relationship?  Take it away Lionel


When you’ve been in a relationship for a while, you can just get comfortable. Comfort isn’t bad in a relationship, but do you really think that you’ll miss your partner during the break? Are you happy the break is happening?  These are questions you’ll have to ask yourself!


Making Sure It’s Love. Love is an important factor, wouldn’t you agree.  If you’re not sure you’re really in love with your partner, then a relationship break can be hugely beneficial.  You know cliché; absence makes the heart grow fonder.  If your heart does grow fonder, you’ll know your feelings are true.  If not … well, like I said, it’s better to know this sooner rather than later.


Another way is time to think.  You may need time to think, especially if you and your partner have been arguing a lot. Sometimes it feels like breaking up is the only solution, but this is a great way to take the time you need without losing your partner for good.


A break might be just what you need to rekindle the spark or get the spark back.  Because of everything previously mentioned in part 1, part 2 and in this blog, perhaps the spark may have disappeared.  Taking a break could let you know how much you want to be with your partner. Another suggestion could be to start to date your partner again which can also rekindle the spark.


Breaks Can Help the Relationship. A break can bring an entirely new sense of understanding between you and your partner.  You’ll come back from your break feeling completely refreshed and who knows, maybe you will appreciate and love each other a little more!


Needing Space, Helping to Figure Things Out, Finding  Yourself, Learning More About Yourself  the Feeling of Serenity, Time with Your  Friends and Family, Getting Clear on What You Want, Figuring out Your Priorities, Learning if You’re Compatible, and A Break Isn’t Breaking up.


Realizing You Miss Your Partner, Making Sure It’s Love, Time to Think, Rekindle the Spark,  Breaks Can Help the Understanding are 15 ways a break up can help a relationship?  Generally a break isn’t about a lack of love – unless, as mentioned, you’re having doubts. You and your partner can become even stronger than before. Even still, a break can help you to appreciate what you’re missing.


A break doesn’t mean you are breaking up for good, remember that!


So this completes our point that there are numerous ways a break can help are relationship Thanks again for hanging out with us as we discussed such an important topic  and remember to click on the link below to register for our webinar  to get more help.

Bye, bye

See you later!


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Kim Grimes